Monday, March 14, 2016

"The Mezzotint"


  1. First, we need to know what Mezzotint is. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary mezzotint is "a manner of engraving on copper or steel by scraping or burnishing a roughened surface to produce light and shade." In current words, mezzotint is a printed picture. Of course, there weren't computers in the 17th century, so they used the Mezzotint technique; it consisted in making little dots and fill them with ink to give different tones, light, and shadows to the picture.

    The Mezzotint tells the story of Mr Williams, who worked in a museum in a university. He bought the mezzotint picture to an art collector. At the beginning, the picture seems to be very normal, but after some time, evertime Mr Williams looked at it, it changed. The first time he saw it, it was just a house, but the second time, a figure appears, and everytime he saw the picture, the figure changes its position. When the servant of Mr Williams saw the mezzotint, it displayed a skeleton on the lawn. After it, they discovered that a baby was stolen and killed in that house.

    This story is very interesting because it tell us a ghost story is a different way; it looks like a modern comic strip, which probably was a new thing in the 17th Century. It is very amazing that the picture tells us about a crime, but the protagonist -Mr. Williams- can do nothing because the killer is a ghost, so impossible to arrest him.
    Also i really liked the way the author describes every frame of the picture, every detail, and the reaction of the people who saw it, and how eager they were to see its changes.
    This picture described in the story reminds me the pictures in the Harry Potter movies; those that are Hogwarts and change everytime.

  2. The most basic gothic elements studied in class are present in this story. The concept of double is obviously presented with the mezzotint which reflects the real mansion which its description gives us a sense of a gothic mansion. The "uncanny' is also noticeable with the torn off paper label that contained the name of the real mansion. Finally, the mystery surrounding what is the mezzotint really showing is an essential Gothic element.

  3. I liked this story. I thought it has eerie elements. The apparitions in the house were scary. However, the end was disappointing. I believe this story should have had a stronger ending. A more shocking one.

  4. I also thought of Harry Potter's paintings. I think that the fact that it takes time for the picture to change makes it better because it creates an atmosphere of tension because we do not know what will appear next. I really liked the story, but just like Eduardo, I was expecting a more grotesque ending

  5. I also thought of Harry Potter's paintings. I think that the fact that it takes time for the picture to change makes it better because it creates an atmosphere of tension because we do not know what will appear next. I really liked the story, but just like Eduardo, I was expecting a more grotesque ending

  6. The ending also made a little bit dissapointed. The symbolism and description presented during the story was too good to have such a predictable ending. This is what I first though, howerver, as this text was written long time ago, I think that probably it was very shocking back then. Maybe I did not like the ending because now a days we have lots of ideas and references from movies,tv shows, Internet etc.

  7. I really like this story and the sequence of events make me feel eager to know what was going to happen next. Howvever, just as Eduardo and Wendy, I think the end could have been better. Besides that, the rest of the tale was fascinating and all its gothic elements make me get into the plot and really feel scared but willing to know the end of the ghost story behold on the mezzotint.

  8. A lot of the comments concentrated on the ending and on how it proves a little (or a lot!) disappointing. It is REALLY interesting to consider this, which I had never thought about when rereading this story. Rukmini says that it could be because modern audiences are used to a certain type of ending through movies, internet, etc. Eduardo, Wendy and Mónica also seem to be needing a different ending, a more "schocking one" (Eduardo) or "grotesque" one (Wendy). Wendy's comment about the Harry Potter paintings changing is an excellent comparison. Changing portraits is a staple of many Gothic works (The Picture of Dorian Gray, for instance).
    Arturo's comments about the torn off paper are also very intriguing. Last but not least, I am glad to know that Laura looked up the meaning of "mezzotint." This allowed her to really consider what is going in the story, and the fact that it functions like a modern comic strip. Also worth highlighting is her comment about how it is impossible to "catch" or punish the ghost who committed the crime.
