Monday, March 14, 2016

"The Minister's Black Veil"


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  2. Ironically, the commotion starts on Sabbath sunshine, which is supposed to be a very calm day, according to the religious tradition.
    The main conflict is related to the Minister's black veil because it provokes an uncanny sensation on villagers. This black veil displays mystery not only because its black color, which by itself emits a malicious aura, but also because of the unknown reasons behind the usage of it.
    This story can be considered a "domestic issue" considering the fact that one can infer that the setting is a small town where all of the villagers know and gossip about the Minister's black veil mystery. There is another coincidence. The same day the Minister wears the black veil for the first time, he talks, during his sermon, about the secret sin. Which makes us think about the following question: What sin is the Minister hiding? Well, he reveals that he is not the only one wearing a black veil. Everyone is. In my opinion, the Father is referring to the fact that everyone is hiding something, evilness that is not revealed; evilness that is covered by a "veil;" in other words, the secret sin. Moreover, the Father did not want to look at any mirror because he was afraid or ashamed of seeing who he really was inside and all those sins he was hiding.
    There is another question arousing: Why does the veil cover the face? My interpretation is the following: our face tells the rest of the people who we are; therefore, if the secret sin is part of our being, the face will be the perfect channel to reveal it.
    The story caught me from the very beginning with the following lines: "The first glimpse of the clergyman's figure was the signal for the bell to cease its summons." The previous lines gave the story a suspenseful introduction which leads to many wonders about the Minister's coming in the plot.
    Even though I am not a believer, this story made me feel very uncomfortable with the idea of seeing a "sacred" figure as a religious Minister is with a black veil because a religious figure is supposed to represent goodness, but not to be mixed with dark secrecy. This contradiction portrays distrust. This feeling is supported with the text because it is mentioned that a lady said that a simple veil that any woman can wear without causing commotion, produces such effect on people just because it is worn by a Minister.
    There are some lines that describe the kind of person the Minister was before seeing the black veil which make me like the character. Those lines reflect how the Minister was a pretty logical man because he sought to win the people by persuasive words and not by emotions. This fact uncovers that probably, the Minister had powerful reasons to wear the black veil since he is a reasonable person as I mentioned before.

  3. I totally agree with you. Nowadays, people have double-face changing their behavior and attitudes faster, according to the different situations they have. For this reason, I believe that everybody wears a veil to hide a secret, but people wear and invisible one. Maybe, the black veils provokes too much fear on people because it was visible. The minister’s personality and the mystery about him is very interesting. I believe that the Minister’s sin is a love relationship between him and the woman who is dead (the funeral), in the beginning of the story.

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  5. For me, the veil represents a sin, or a secret that everybody has. The people in the story began to talk when they saw that sin visible, and they were afraid because the Minister was a sinner who did not care about the other's opinion. The people in the story were a group Puritans, so for them everything was a sin. As Jenyfer said, everybody wears a veil to hide a secret.

  6. Really interesting coments from all of you. I thought it was excellent for Arturo to comment on the setting as a sunny Sabbath; since my knowledge about religion is quite limited, I did not pay attention to that very important detail. Also, it is interesting that both Laura and Jenyfer commented on the issue of sin and even offered alternatives for the minister´s sin...interesting, interesting, everyone.

  7. The review and the comments are really to the point. As the professor mentioned, it is impossible not to analyze this short story from the Historical or Biographical approach. I can totally relate the comments and the review with Nathaniel Hawthorne’s background. Nathaniel is like caring the sins of his family at his back since the Salem’s hunting. In relation to the short story, Nathaniel demonstrates how we all carry sins with us. I can see Nathaniel in the minister. The ministers are supposed to be sin free or at least that is the idea that some people may have; however, he is the first and only to actually show that he has sinned. Just like Nathaniel, even though he wants to leave his past behind and not be related to the Salem’s hunting, he is inevitably related to them, it is part of his nature, and he knows that his family’s sins will be his as well. This acts ashamed him to the point of wearing a veil to avoid people from recognizing him and his roots.

  8. I totally agree with all of you about the issue of sin and the relationship with the veil. Definitely. the veil is a symbol, a representation of a posibly hidden life. It covers the face that at the same time covers a sin and the idea of hiding this to the rest of the world. Probably he covers his face due to a shameful situation. Also, as Arturo mentionned, it is quite ironic that the actions happen precisely on saturday in the sabbath day which is supposely a sacred day in religious tradition. Regarding the villagers around, the presence of the minister with a veil feeds their curiosity and the speculation of that unusual and suspicious object.
